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Indohun 2018

Indonesia One Health University Network


Localizing One Health–Expansion of Indonesia’s One Health Collaborating Centers

INDOHUN recently established a valuable collaboration with Bogor Agriculture University (IPB University), an internationally recognized and reputable higher education institution located in West Java. Together with IPB University, INDOHUN established the world’s first Global Health Agromaritime One Health Collaborating Center (GHA-OHCC IPB), which recognizes important interdependencies across the domains of animal, environmental, and human health. GHA-OHCC IPB will play a role in integrating holistic approaches regarding the use of and interaction with natural resources vis-a-vis One Health in tackling global health issues. 


On 26 January 2023, GHA-OHCC IPB was established with the support of the Rector and Dean of School of Veterinary Medicine at IPC University. A breadth of One Health partners and stakeholders from across Indonesia attended the launch events, including the Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education from Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Participants from stakeholder institutions provided positive feedback on the future of the GHA-OHCC IPB and look forward to the organization’s ability to mitigate the impacts of emerging communicable and non-communicable diseases, especially at the intersection of climate change, animal and human health ecosystems in Indonesia. The GHA-OHCC IPB will work to increase One Health awareness through multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaborations to ultimately address complex and dynamic One Health-related challenges in Indonesia.  


Photo caption: "The signing of a memorandum of understanding between IPB and the Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN) with the full support of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 26 January 2023, IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, West Java."




The Indonesia One Health University Network (also known as INDOHUN) was established in January 2012, as a platform where leading academics, stakeholders, scientists, communities and professionals in Indonesia could transcend provincial and national borders to work together in achieving the best health for everyone. We focus on fostering One Health collaboration in Indonesia. We recognize that the health of people is intrinsically connected to the health of animals and the environment. To face future global health challenges, we must understand that humans, animals and the environment are interconnected. We must work across sectors, join efforts and establish multi-disciplinary collaborations among physicians, veterinarians, ecologists and other professionals. That is, in essence, what we call the One Health approach.


We believe that we can accomplish more amazing things by doing the work in collaboration. By building our collaboration capacity, we will achieve a future where global health challenges can be solved together. Less me, more we defines the values of teamwork that apply in INDOHUN. It’s a straightforward, aspirational call to action that inspires how we interact with everyone.

INDOHUN faculties and university members around the country

INDOHUN has 34 faculties, from 20 university members, five One Health collaborating centers and 12 laboratory network members to engage academics, stakeholders, scientists, communities and professionals to work together in addressing regional and global health issues.


Indohun 2018

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  • Syiah Kuala University (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

  • University of North Sumatra (Faculty of Public Health)

  • Andalas University (Faculty of Medicine)

  • Sriwijaya University (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Public Health)

  • University of Indonesia* (Faculty of Public Health*, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Nursing)

  • Muhammadiyah Hamka University (Faculty of Health Sciences)

  • Bogor Agriculture University* (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

  • Padjajaran University (Faculty of Medicine)

  • Diponegoro University (Faculty of Public Health)

  • Gadjah mada University* (Faculty of Medicine* and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine*)

  • Airlagga University (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, and Faculty of  Veterinary Medicine)

  • Brawijaya University (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

  • Mulawarman (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Public Health)

  • Udayana University (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

  • Mataram University (Faculty of Medicine)

  • University of West Nusa Tenggara (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

  • Nusa Cendana University (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

  • Hasanuddin University (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, and Department of Veterinary Medicine)

  • Sam Ratulangi University (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Public Health)

  • Cendrawasih University (Faculty of Public Health)

* Founding Universities and Faculties

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119/85 Moo 5, Suthep, Muang

Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand

T: +66-52-010-069

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