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LAWA Model Online Course - SEAOHUN One Health Education supported by Chevron

LAWA Model Online Course - SEAOHUN One Health Education supported by Chevron

For sustainable One Health interventions, communities and human, animal, and environmental health partners must collaborate to find long-term solutions. In the Lawa Lake area of Thailand, the Tropical Disease Research Center (TDRC) of Khon Kaen University has implemented a proven, integrative Eco-Health/One Health approach with active community engagement to control human liver flukes for the past decade. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the onsite training was unavailable for those who were interested. However, this presented an opportunity to design an online training course with a short field visit to sustain the training. Tropical Disease Research Center (TDRC) of Khon Kaen University and SEAOHUN (Southeast One Health University Network) therefore applied for supports and received funding from Chevron for their project “Applying One Health to Solve Community Health Issues” under the umbrella of the main project “Strengthening One Health Education in Southeast Asia”. The project aims to promote an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach using combined wisdom of multiple stakeholders from local to global including communities, researchers, administrators, health professionals and other key players to solve complex health issues using the Lawa Model One Health approach prototype. Read more about the One Health Education project visit: To explore and interested to apply the LAWA Model Online Course:
Southeast Asia One Health University Network - SEAOHUN

Southeast Asia One Health University Network - SEAOHUN

SEAOHUN is a regional network of 95 universities in eight Southeast Asian countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam, plus 6 universities in Taiwan. Our mission is to develop a resilient and competent One Health workforce to effectively prevent, detect and respond to infectious disease threats by leveraging education, research, and training excellence. SEAOHUN advocates for the role of universities to build the capacity of professionals across sectors---working with government agencies, international and regional organizations, development aid agencies, the private sector, leading academic and research institutions, and non-governmental organizations to equip future leaders with One Health competencies. Faculty members, researchers, and students of SEAOHUN member universities contributed to COVID-19 testing efforts and provided training on risk communication and community engagement, surveillance and rapid response, and infection prevention and control. Through the USAID One Health Workforce and One Health Workforce – Next Generation projects, our member universities have promoted and equipped health professionals with One Health competencies, and some have successfully institutionalized the One Health concept into their curricular offerings. We are thankful for the support of USAID and the One Health Workforce – Next Generation consortium that is enabling us to strengthen health professionals with the right skill sets and mindset to lessen the impact of COVID-19 and stop other future pandemics.
One Health University Network in Southeast Asia

One Health University Network in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia One Health University Network or SEAOHUN was founded in 2011 with support from the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) and One Health Workforce (OHW). WHO WE ARE? - A consortium in the regional level to build the One Health workforce to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats. - Facilitate South-to-South technical exchanges and regional activities in Southeast Asia. - Leading the implementation of One Health activities and foster the establishment of One Health university network. - Partner with governments, international organizations, international non-governmental organizations, and universities to build the capacity of One Health workforce through SEAOHUN Fellowship and Scholarship Programs. - Represent all the country networks in global and regional meetings. SEAOHUN comprised of 67 universities and 138 faculties and four founding countries in Southeast Asia, those are Indonesia (INDOHUN), Malaysia (MyOHUN), Thailand (THOHUN), and Vietnam (VOHUN). Soon there will be a further collaboration with Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar. Key activities that each OHUNs do are; - Work with the government on national workforce planning or policy level. - Work with government to strengthen in-service health professionals. - Work with universities to build the capacity of faculty members for the long-term sustainability of training new graduates. - Work with students to build the next generation of leaders and also have them engage the community to improve health.

SEAOHUN 2021 Regional Students' Competition



Next Generation

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119/85 Moo 5, Suthep, Muang

Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand

T: +66-52-010-069

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