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Recommended Publications
Operationalizing the Environment-Health Nexus in Asia and the Pacific report
Climate change and ecosystem degradation are amongst the biggest health threats facing Asia and the Pacific. Human health is threatened by increasing risks of extreme weather events, poor air quality, unsafe and insecure food and water as well as various diseases linked to environmental change. It is estimated that almost one quarter of the global environmental burden of disease arises from 14 South-East and East Asian countries alone. There is an urgent need for actors from the environment and health sectors to develop joint agendas and mobilize a whole-of-society approach to address the interconnected environment-health risks to increase resilience, save lives, and reduce costs.
Operationalizing the Environment Health Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: A Policy Guide on Opportunities for Enhancing Health, Biodiversity, Food System and Climate Action aims to support policymakers and stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region to address environment-health risks and safeguard human health and well-being while protecting ecosystems. Specifically, it provides an overview of concrete opportunities to mainstream the environment-health nexus in public policies in Asia and the Pacific, including those pertinent to health, biodiversity loss, food systems, and climate change. It also lays out pathways to strengthen the enabling factors for operationalizing an environmentally comprehensive One Health approach. These enabling factors include multisectoral governance; integrated environment and health data and assessment; nature-based solutions; human rights-based approaches; stakeholder engagement and capacity-building; integrated environment-health funding streams; and regional cooperation.
The full document can be found here: https://www.unescap.org/kp/2022/policy-guide-environment-health-nexus
Manual for Mentors: Frontline in-service applied veterinary epidemiology training
This manual contains key elements of the Frontline In-Service Applied Veterinary Epidemiology Training (ISAVET) programme necessary for successful mentorship. The target of this Manual are individuals who are mentoring trainees enrolled in the Frontline (ISAVET) at the national level.
This manual and a first of its kind, is intended to serve as an FAO Global resource for National capacity development of Veterinary Services to detect and respond to emerging infectious animal diseases including transboundary animal diseases and zoonotic diseases.
The full document can be found here: https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb8656en
International instruments on the use of antimicrobials across the human, animal and plant sectors
The publication International instruments on the use of antimicrobials across the human, animal and plant sectors was developed by the Tripartite organizations: the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It was created in response to the 2019 Interagency Coordination Group on AMR report to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the World Health Assembly resolution WHA72.5 that called on WHO together with the Tripartite organizations to adjust the process and scope of the global development and stewardship framework to combat AMR.
The publication provides an overview and analysis of international instruments that set standards related to the use of antimicrobials across the human, animal and plant sectors, and their release into the environment. The purpose of the document is to identify existing instruments and standards in order to guide both their implementation and to inform discussions and direction for future international instruments related to antimicrobial use.
The full document can be found here: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240013964
Laboratory Biosafety Manual, 4th Edition
The WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual (LBM) has been in broad use at all levels of clinical and public health laboratories, and other biomedical sectors globally, serving as a de facto global standard that presents best practices and sets trends in biosafety.
LBM encouraged countries to accept and implement basic concepts in biological safety and to develop national codes of practice for the safe handling of biological agents in laboratories within their geographical borders.
This fourth edition of the manual builds on the risk assessment framework introduced in the third edition. A thorough, evidence-based, and transparent assessment of the risks allows safety measures to be balanced with the actual risk of working with biological agents on a case-by-case basis. This novel evidence- and risk-based approach will allow optimized resource use and sustainable laboratory biosafety and biosecurity policies and practices that are relevant to their individual circumstances and priorities, enabling equitable access to clinical and public health laboratory tests and biomedical research opportunities without compromising safety.
The full document can be found here: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240011311
Joint Risk Assessment Operational Tool (JRA OT)
Joint Risk Assessment Operational Tool (JRA OT): An Operational Tool of the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide – Taking a Multisectoral, One Health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries.
The full document can be found here: http://www.fao.org/3/cb1520en/CB1520EN.pdf
Exposure of Humans or Animals to SARS-CoV-2 from Wild, Livestock, Companion, and Aquatic Animals
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), who has recently joined the One Health EJP Stakeholder’s committee, released a qualitative exposure assessment about the risk of exposure of humans or animals to SARS-CoV2 from wild, livestock, companion and aquatic animals. This assessment highlights the need to assess the potential One Health aspects of COVID-19 in addition to other emerging threats.
The overall recommendation is to use a One Health approach whereby public health, veterinary, forestry, and natural resources and wildlife authorities collaborate to systematically investigate SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology coupled with laboratory testing for animal species potentially linked with human cases of COVID-19.
The full document can be found here: http://www.fao.org/3/ca9959en/CA9959EN.pdf
Preparing for Pandemics in the Modern World Ebook
“The Press believes that the information contained in this book is time-sensitive, urgently needed, and will make a positive contribution toward navigating the current pandemic,” said Dr. Jay Dew, director of TAMU Press. “To that end, we are pleased to make the book available to all by releasing it immediately as a free pre-publication edition.”
The book's wide audience includes the general public, policymakers, and those in charge at the city, county, state, and national levels for emergency response and preparedness. The book advocates the One Health concept which is the focus on the interdependence of human, animal and environmental health which helps us to prevent and prepare for pandemics.
In this regard, the book is meant for everyone because it highlights the roles we all play in pandemic prevention and preparedness.
Christine Crudo Blackburn, editor of the book, is deputy director of the Pandemic and Biosecurity Policy Program at the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs at the Bush School of Government and Public Service and an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Health Promotion and Community Health Sciences at the Texas A&M University School for Public Health.
Download at: www.tamupress.com/pandemics-ebook/
For more information or to order a print edition of the book, please visit www.tamupress.com/book/9781623499464/preparing-for-pandemics-in-the-modern-world/
Interim Guidance and Simulation Exercise for Strengthening Preparedness for COVID-19 in Cities and Urban Settings
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the vulnerabilities of cities and urban settings to outbreaks and other health emergencies. Wolrd Health Organization (WHO) has launched the interim guidance for local authorities titled “Strengthening Preparedness for COVID-19 in Cities and Urban Settings.” ​
The document aims to support local authorities, leaders, and policy-makers in cities and other urban settlements in identifying effective approaches and implementing recommended actions that enhance the prevention, preparedness, and readiness for COVID-19 in urban settings, so as to ensure a robust response and eventual recovery. It covers factors unique to cities and urban settings, considerations in urban preparedness, key areas of focus, and the need to also prepare for future emergencies.
The document can be found at : https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/331896/WHO-2019-nCoV-Urban_preparedness-2020.1-eng.pdf
FAO, OIE, and WHO launch a guide for countries on taking a One Health approach to addressing zoonotic diseases
Zoonotic diseases continue to be a threat to global health, causing millions of deaths and economic losses every year. To support countries to control these diseases, the Tripartite organisations (FAO, OIE and WHO) today launched a guide entitled ‘Taking a Multisectoral, One Health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries’.
Building multisectoral, One Health bridges to strengthen national capacities
This guide, referred to as the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide (TZG), provides principles, best practices and options to assist countries in achieving sustainable and functional collaboration at the human-animal-environment interface. It is flexible enough to be used for other health threats; for example, food safety and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). By using the TZG and its associated operational tools (which are currently being developed) countries can build or strengthen their national capacities in:
Multisectoral, One Health coordination mechanisms
Strategic planning and emergency preparedness
Surveillance and information sharing
Coordinated investigation and response
Joint risk assessment for zoonotic disease threats
Risk reduction, risk communication, and community engagement
Workforce development
Options for monitoring and evaluating the function and impact of these activities are additionally included to support countries in their efforts to make improvements in their zoonotic disease frameworks, strategies and policies. Moreover, taking the One Health approach presented in the TZG helps countries to make the best use of limited resources and reduces indirect societal losses, such as impacts on livelihoods of small producers, poor nutrition, and restriction of trade and tourism.
Reference: http://www.oie.int/fileadmin/Home/eng/Media_Center/docs/EN_TripartiteZoonosesGuide_web.pdf
CDC Field Epidemiology Manual
CDC, through a partnership with the CDC Foundation and Oxford University Press, has published The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual. The manual serves as a definitive guide to investigating acute public health events on the ground and in real-time. Assembled and written by experts from CDC as well as other leading public health agencies, The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual offers current and field-tested guidance for every stage of an outbreak investigation -- from identification to intervention and other core considerations along the way.
The current version also provides
recommendations and guidance for using new tools in field investigations, including geographic information system data;
practical guidance for conducting investigations of major types of problems and in multiple settings, including outbreaks of violence, suicide, and other forms of injury; multinational outbreaks; outbreaks in healthcare and community-care settings; and environmental exposures; and
case-study examples of lessons learned from recent field investigations.
The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual is written in an easy-to-read format and enriched with boxes and bulleted points to optimize utility for investigators in the field. It serves as an essential resource for epidemiologists and other health professionals working in local, state, national, and international settings.
Free open access is available: https://www.cdc.gov/eis/field-epi-manual/
Advancing Global Partnerships: SEAOHUN, a Network of Universities Advancing One Health Workforce Development in Southeast Asia
The Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) was established in 2011 with support from the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats RESPOND Project. SEAOHUN works in collaboration with universities and faculties in the Southeast Asia region to enhance academic partnerships and One Health workforce capacity building.
​SEAOHUN has successfully implemented its mission throughout the past 7 years in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam as the member countries and has recently begun its operation in the expansion countries within the region to Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar with the support of the USAID, the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and U.S. Department of State.
Global Health Security Agenda
Volume 02 / Nov 7th 2018
Global Health Security Agenda: 2017 Progress and Impact from U.S. Investments [PDF, 4.2MB]
Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda: 2016 Progress and Impact from U.S. Investment [PDF, 2.0MB]
Driving Outcomes toward the Global Health Security Agenda: Action Package Commitments [PDF, 1.2MB]
GHSA Biosafety and Biosecurity Resource Catalog [PDF, 135KB]
GHSA Milestone Library [PDF, 902KB]
GHSA Overview Presentation [PDF, 2.6MB]
GHSA Roadmap Template [DOC, 297KB]
Joint External Evaluation Tool (JEE Tool)
Pilot Assessments
Georgia (January 2015) [PDF, 616KB]
Peru (January 2015) [PDF, 743KB]
Portugal (April 2015) [PDF, 1.6MB]
Uganda (February 2015) [PDF, 866KB]
United Kingdom (August 2015)
Reference: https://www.ghsagenda.org/resources
Joint External Evaluation tool (2nd edition)
The first edition of the WHO Joint External Evaluation (JEE) tool was made available in February 2016, and by the end of December 2017 67 countries had requested a JEE to WHO and completed the voluntary evaluation using this tool.
In late 2016, the JEE Secretariat began the process of systematically collecting suggestions and comments on improving the first edition of the JEE tool from WHO Regional Offices, technical area leads in WHO headquarters and external experts who had participated in one or more JEE missions and Member States who had conducted a JEE or were preparing for a JEE. The suggested improvements and comments were collated into an annotated version of the JEE tool and in April 2017, WHO convened a global meeting with over 90 global technical experts and all WHO ROs to discuss the suggested improvements and recommend changes.
These changes and suggested improvements are reflected in the second edition of the JEE tool.
Reference: https://extranet.who.int/sph/joint-external-evaluation-tool-2nd-edition
The OIE Tool for the Evaluation of Performance of Veterinary Services (OIE PVS Tool)
In this era of globalisation, the development and growth of many countries, as well as the prevention and control of major biological disasters, depend on the performance of their agricultural and food policies and economies, and this, in turn, directly relates to the quality of their Veterinary Services (VS). Important roles for VS include veterinary public health – including food-borne diseases – and regional and international market access for animals and animal products. To meet current and future opportunities and challenges, VS should be independent and objective in their activities and decisions should be based on sound science and immune from political pressure.
Strengthening of VS to help them comply with OIE international standards for quality and evaluation requires active participation and investment by both the public and the private sector. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has refined an Evaluation Tool developed initially in collaboration with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) to produce the OIE Tool for the Evaluation of Performance of Veterinary Services (OIE PVS Tool). The OIE PVS Tool is designed to assist VS to establish their current level of performance, to identify gaps and weaknesses in their ability to comply with OIE international standards, to form a shared vision with stakeholders (including the private sector) and to establish priorities and carry out strategic initiatives.
Reference: http://www.oie.int/solidarity/pvs-evaluations/oie-pvs-tool
One Health: Operational framework for strengthening human, animal and environmental public health systems at their interface
Public health systems have critical and clear relevance to the World Bank’s twin goals of poverty eradication and boosting shared prosperity. In particular, they are impacted by, and must respond to,significant threats at human-animal-environment interface. Most obvious are the diseases shared between humans and animals (“zoonotic” diseases), which comprise more than 60 percent of known human infectious pathogens; but also aspects of vector-borne disease, food and water safety and security, and antimicrobial resistance. Public health systems must therefore be resilient and prepared to face existing and future disease threats at the human-animal-environment interface. the Operational Framework provides a strong orientation to One Health to assist users inunderstanding and implementing it, from rationale to concrete guidance for its application. Six core chapters are included, supported by annexes diving deeper into operational tools and recent World Bank alignment with One Health topics, and a glossary that explains key terms, including interpretations specific to the Operational Framework. Chapter one presents background on the need and scope for One Health, showing how it is inclusive of and can be useful in addressing a broad range of priorities for human and animal health and environment sectors. Chapter two reviews the economic argument for One Health for the global and local public good – both through more effective disease prevention and control, as well as
operational efficiencies at countryand project level. Chapter three showcases relevant tools and initiatives for One Health that support capacity for human, animal and or
environmental health sectors, bringing them together and articulating possible connections as well as identifying priority areas for further development to aid in successful One Health operations, with additional examples provided in the Annex. Chapters four to six present specific applications of One Health. Examples of entry points for One Healththinking are shown in Chapter four, including determining relevance of different sectors for involvement based on the specific context. Chapter five outlines the building blocks for embedding One Health approaches to prepare for endemic, emerging and pandemic threats, all the way from disease prevention to recovery. Finally, noting the challenge of monitoring progress across sectors, Chapter six outlines possible pathways for monitoring and upscaling, showcasing indicators from relevant Bank projects. The Operational Framework is intended as a guide for One Health operations, from project and program scoping and identification stages to design and implementation, including monitoring and evaluation, to help optimize investments.
Antimicrobial Resistance Policy Review and Development Framework
FAO Releases AMR Policy Review and Development Framework
This framework was developed to guide national action planning and policy development taking a One Health approach. It is a regional guide for governments in Asia and the Pacific to review, update and develop policies to address antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial use in animal production: http://www.fao.org/3/CA1486EN/ca1486en.pdf