SEAOHUN 2018 International Conference
12 – 15 November 2018
Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam
“One Health Academic Challenges:
Preparing today’s workforce to combat tomorrow’s infectious diseases”

DAY 1: Monday, 12 November 2018
W 1 – The Participatory One Health Disease Detection (PODD) system empowering communities in early outbreak detection and rapid respond
W 2 – Showcase of students’ One Health activities and a panel discussion on career paths in One Health
1. One Health Student's Activities in Cambodia
2. One Health Student's Activities in Indonesia
DAY 2: Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Welcome remarks by Assoc. Prof. Le Minh Giang (Chair of Scientific Committee)
Opening Session by President of HMU; Chairperson of SEAOHUN; Mr. Michael Greene, USAID/VN Mission Director; and Vice Minister of Health
Plenary III – Health Security
Panel discussion: One Health Workforce Development: Experiences from One Health University Networks in Southeast Asia and Africa moderated by Marilyn Crane, Senior International Higher Education Adviser for the Emerging Threats Division, USAID
2. Prof. Mohd Hair Bejo, Chairperson of Malaysia One Health University Network (MyOHUN), Malaysia
4. Dr. Phuc Pham Duc, Coordinator of Vietnam One Health University Network (VOHUN), Vietnam
DAY 3: Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Parallel Sessions
Parallel Session 1 - One Health policy
PS1-01: Factors that Enable Effective One Health Collaborations - a Scoping Review of the Literature
PS1-02: Strengthening One Health Capacity for One Health Implementation in Viet Nam - Phase 2 (SCOH2)
PS1-03: Establishing a One Health Laboratory Network (OHLN)
PS1-04: One Health Surveillance System Response, an Investigation of a Hypothetical Event: A Resistant Pathogen is Found in a Person During a Food-borne Disease Outbreak, Vietnam.
PS1-05: Neglected Tropical Diseases among Migrant Workers: A Malaysian Case Study
Parallel Session 2 - Infectious diseases (I)
PS2-01: Surveillance for Five Viral Families of Public Health Importance and Investigation of Human Behaviors at Wildlife/Human Interfaces in Vietnam with High Risk for Zoonotic Disease Spillover
Parallel Session 3 - One Health Education and Training
PS3-01: Strengthening and Expanding Vietnam One Health Workforce: Integrating Applied Biorisk Management (BRM) Concepts into VOHUN Academic Curriculum
PS3-02: Incorporating One Health Aspects into Occupational Safety and Health Training at a Malaysian Zoo: Development of Emergency Response Plan
PS3-03: Global Responsible Use of Fluoroquinolones in Veterinary Medicine
PS3-04: Knowledge and Practices Regarding Dengue Prevention of People Living in Hanoi In 2017
PS3-05: The “Jahai” and Bush Meat Consumption: a Snapshot of the Situation among Indigenous in Belum Forest, Malaysia
Parallel Session 4 - Infectious diseases (II)
PS4-05: Epidemiological Factors and Clinical Manifestations of Streptococcussuis Meningitis Patients Treated at Hospital for Tropical Diseases – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Parallel Session 5 – Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
PS5-01: Strategies to Prevent and Control Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections in a Tertiary Hospital
PS5-02: Quantification and Characterization of ESBL/AmpC-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Retail Seafood in Germany
PS5-03: Prevalence of MRSA in Goat and Sheep Milk in Terengganu Malaysia
PS5-04: Occurrence and Antibiotic Resistance of Listeria Monocytogenes Isolated from Fresh Water Fish in East Coast Malaysia
PS5-05: Nasal Carrriage of Multi-Drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Preclinical and Clinical Medical Students in a Malaysian University
Parallel Session 6 - Infectious diseases (III)
PS6-04: Brucellosis Outbreak in Johor Malaysia: the Culprit Revealed
Parallel Session 7 - Food safety
PS7-03: The Impact of Soil Pollution Associated with Bauxite Mining Activity on Food Safety and Health Risk in Malaysia
PS7-04: The Prevalence of Parasites in Fresh Vegetables at the Markets of Bac Lieu City - Vietnam
PS7-05: Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on Inactivation of Vibrio spp.
Parallel Session 8 - Infectious diseases (IV)
PS8-01: Knowledge and Awareness of MERS CoV Transmission and Infection among Individual Planning for Hajj
PS8-02: Japanese Encephalitis in Rural District in Sarawak; Human-Animal Interface
PS8-05: Knowledge, Self-Reported Practice and Associated Factors Towards Prevention of Surgical Site Infection among Health Workers Working in 19.8 General Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2017