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7th Annual One Health Day in 2022! + Student Event Winners from 2021

Writer's picture: SEAOHUN SEAOHUN

Officially celebrated November 3, 2022


A One Health approach is needed now more than ever!!!

And the Global One Health Community is showing the way.

One Health Day is a timely initiative that gives One Health advocates and practitioners around the world a powerful voice for moving beyond provincial approaches to emerging zoonotic infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, climate change, environmental pollution, food safety, comparative/translational medicine and many other challenges, to a holistic, One Health*, way of thinking and acting for the benefit of all living creatures.

Created in 2016, annual global One Health Day has provided a venue for organizations, groups and individuals to hold hundreds of events that raise awareness about One Health and the complex challenges it addresses at the interface of animals, plants, humans and the environment. One Health Day 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Event Descriptions and Maps provide impressive examples of how the world is embracing and advocating for One Health. Last year, in 2021, during a second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 6th Annual global One Health Day generated over 120 events worldwide.

Anyone, from academic to government to corporate to private individuals, can plan and implement one or more One Health Day events each year. These events do not have to fall right on 3 November but can occur any time of the year. Online registration to get a pin on the global One Health Day map each year is free and free use of the One Health Day fliers and logos in many languages is encouraged. Remember to Register your event to get on the map!!!

Each year students are encouraged to form One Health teams with colleagues from different disciplines to envision, plan and implement One Health Day events and, if desired, to enter them into an annual student events competition for cash prizes. Today we are pleased to announce that the winning team of the 2021 One Health Day Student Events Competition and a $1,000 Cash Award is, for a second year, the Standing Committee on One Health (SCOH) of the International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA) Chapter at the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University in Pookode, Kerala, India. This team of 20 students from 4 different disciplines met all the competition criteria and received the highest evaluation score from the One Health Day Student Events Judges. The title of their project was Socializing One Health via Social Media. It consisted of 10 successful sub-events held over the entire month of November, 2021.

Today the One Health Commission and the One Health Initiative Coordinating Team for One Health Day is reaching to the Global One Health Community in a ‘Call to Action’ encouraging more events than ever to be brought forward in 2022. Since COVID-19 is still impacting the world, virtual events are encouraged; in person events must be carefully planned for safety against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In 2022 there will be one Student Event cash award of $1,000. Note: Student Competition Events can now happen any time of the year that is convenient to the Team.

Any questions about One Health Day 2022 should be directed to your Regional One Health Day Point of Contact.

More information about One Health Day is available online at




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