Best Practices Forum and workshop series of STEM Career Academies
Chevron and SEAMEO STEM-ED will organize the Best Practices Forum and workshop series of STEM Career Academies on Monday 22 November 2021, 18.00 – 21.00 hrs (GMT+7) as the agenda attached.
With funding support from Chevron Corporation, SEAMEO STEM-ED intends to partner with SEAMEO member countries and pilot a college and STEM career readiness program called STEM Career Academies. The program will be piloted in four industry clusters including health and wellness, information technology, smart agriculture, and STEM teaching. It uses career strands as an organizing framework for learning and instruction that helps students connect academic subjects and their applications to the world of work in a specific career pathway. It is designed to foster partnerships among employers, communities, and universities that will provide resources, adult mentors, and opportunities for students to engage in career-related work, and internships. In addition to the academic enrichment, career awareness and occupational skills development, the academies will develop 21st century skills in order to prepare young adults for the ever-changing technology-oriented and innovative society. Through engagement with national policy agencies, local governments, and employers, the STEM Career Academies program effectiveness research will be conducted by independent researchers before being proposed to policy makers for wider adoption nationally and region- wide.
As a result, SEAMEO STEM-ED has organized the Chevron-SEAMEO Best Practices Forum and Workshop Series in STEM Career Academies during November 2021 – March 2022. The forum and workshop series aim to:
Encourage more attention to evidence in making policies in the SOUTHEAST ASIAN countries;
Share best practices with regional educators in implementing effective career academies program which maximizes impact on student outcomes;
Create community of practice in which education policy makers, researchers, key players from industry and education stakeholders can discuss and exchange best practices on career academies initiatives.
Participants: There is no registration fee for organisations and participants to join Chevron-SEAMEO Best Practices Forum and Workshop Series.