Fellowship in One Health Governance
Fellowship Opportunity at Cornell University Wildlife Health Center / Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability One Health Governance Fellowship available at https://academicprogramsonline.org/ajo/jobs/18753
We thus seek a Fellow with specific strengths in international policy and legal analysis, along with an earnest belief in the power of partnerships. As part of a collaboration between the Cornell Wildlife Health Center, Cornell Atkinson and a growing external advisory group of key partners and experts, the new Fellow will assist our team to:
· Review the significant range of currently identified policy options, as well as propose new ones, for mitigating the upstream risks tied to those human behaviors that intensify our interactions with wildlife and the zoonotic pathogens potentially harbored, including but not limited to options for expanding existing international agreements and/or developing new ones, as well as capturing relevant lessons learned from international agreements focused on other sectors (e.g., nuclear non-proliferation, substances that deplete the ozone layer, etc.). This scope of work does not include risk mitigation as related to laboratory biosecurity or bioterrorism— important, of course, but beyond our purview.
· Generate policy briefs and peer-reviewed papers and that can be used with decision-makers and non-academic partners domestically and internationally.
· Work with public and private sector stakeholders to further inform and support the building of partnerships and coalitions to advance effective policy action to truly prevent pandemics as far upstream as possible (which is a different emphasis than that of the many important endeavors currently focused on addressing public health emergencies once they have already been sparked).
Applications must be received by July 1, 2021.
Questions can be directed to Dr. Steve Osofsky (s.osofsky@cornell.edu).