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R-FETVPV opens "Online Scientific Abstract Writing and Oral Presentation Workshop"

Writer's picture: SEAOHUN SEAOHUN

R-FETPV would like to inform you of the great opportunity to enhance your writing and presenting skill. The Online Scientific Abstract writing, and Oral Presentation Workshop is organized for Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) and FETP-Veterinarian alumni, trainees and field epidemiologists in Southeast Asia. The aims of this workshop are to enhance the writing skill of participants in producing scientific structure / one-page abstract along with the organized, convincing and concise presentation that are acceptable for reviewing by the international journal / scientific conference and promote multi-sectoral collaboration by sharing experience and expertise.

The online course comprises of 4 days of lectures, 3 hours/day, 13.00-16.00 (Indochina Time) as follows;

· Monday 1, Thursday 4 November 2021 (Abstract writing)

· Monday 8, Thursday 11 November 2021 (Oral presentation).

· Writing coaches consultation between 1-4 NOV and 8-11 NOV.

We cordially invite and encourage to submit draft abstract for the “ONLINE SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT WRITING AND ORAL PRESENTATION WORKSHOP”. For international applicants, please provide your in-country writing coach who will give you the consultation between 1-4 NOV and 8-11 NOV. A small honorarium will be offered.

The theme of the abstract could be surveillance, investigation, epidemiological study or field project on human health, animal health or wildlife focus on emergency outbreak response activities.

The abstracts focus on COVID-19 in animal and human health sectors is preferable and would be receiving special consideration.

Timeline for application

- Deadline for draft abstract submission is 15 October 2021

- Selected participants will be announced on 22 October 2021

The draft abstracts must be in English language and submit electronically to Ms.Tippawon Prarakamawongsa < E-mail:> Each participant will be asked to produce abstract and submit to “Asia Pacific Regional Coordination and Scientific Conference on Field Epidemiology Training Programs for Veterinarians, 1-3 Dec 2021” for poster presentation or oral presentation consideration.

As importantly, please kindly find more detail in the concept paper for your perusal as attached file herewith.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Sith Premashthira, R-FETPV Program Manager or Ms.Tippawon Prarakamawongsa, Coordinator at




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